The Coaches and I

I just finished another USO Tour to Iraq, this time with NFL coaches as seen here in Iraq. (Left to right) Gary Kubiak, head coach Houston Texans, Jim E. Mora, former head coach of the Indianapolis Colts and New Orleans Saints, Me, Ken Whisenhunt, head coach of the Arizona Cardinals and former coach with the Steelers, and Jim L. Mora, former head coach-turned-NFL Network analyst. It was a great tour, and the coaches were very cool.
تمتع الان بخدمات شركة امن وحراسة التي توفرها شركة الحارس الخاص وتعتبر من اهم الرشكات في مصر التي توفر الحراسة اللازمة لكبري الشخصيات العامه في مصر وتوفرهم شركة حراسات امنية وتقوم بتدريبهم يوميا وعلي مدار ال 24 ساعة للحصول علي خدمة مميزه وباقل الاسعار .
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