Saturday, August 27, 2005

Johnson Drenched

For whatever reason, Penn State defensive coach Larry Johnson, Sr., is drenched with a bucket of ice cold water following Friday's team scrimmage at Penn State to complete the two-a-day practices before next week's opener against South Florida. I don't know the reason for the drenching, and no one else seemed to know either.

Media Michael

Penn State quarterback Michael Robinson walks off the practice field Friday following a team scrimmage, complete with referees. He'll be seeing a lot of cameras and microphones throughout the season. Hopefully, he'll be smiling throughout the season.

Impromptu Press Conference

Joe Paterno held a press conference Friday afternoon following the team's scrimmage. That's unusual for Joe, but it turned out to be a positive encounter with the press, and the 20 minutes or so of scrimmage we were able to watch looked pretty good. The team appears excited and anxious to begin the season.

Lunch With The Girls

I'm not sure any words will do this lunchtime shot any justice. Monica (left) and Beryl (right) (that would leave yours truly in the center) are both former College of Communications staffers or whatever they call them in today's lexicon, and are sorely missed by me. Life is good, and it's good to be the King.