Friday, October 16, 2009

Downed Limbs and No Power

The earliest-ever snowstorm in State College history downed tree limbs and knocked out power to much of State College Thursday night. Our own house has been without power since about 10 p.m. Thursday night, and as of 10:30 a.m. Friday, and we are still without power. I woke up at 0400 to the sound of limbs crashing all around the house and began sawing them in order to move them off my driveway and grounds. To think I could be in the Keys watching this on CNN.

Colorful Catastrophe

The changing of the leaves this time of season is a favorite of many, but add wet snow to the picture, and the contrast between the white snow and the colorful leaves can be stunning as it is during the earliest-ever snow storm in State College, Pa. the past two days.