One of 28 Penn State Fantasy Football Camp players is reflected in sunglasses as he does an interview with Channel 10 television during last Saturday's Blue-White flag football game at Beaver Stadium.
It looks real, but it's just a prop. Mandy pulls a gun from her waist band during the filming of Rod Bingaman's production of East of Jesus in Centre County this summer.
Mandy, a former film student in the College of Communications at Penn State (she graduated) shows her guns during a break in filming Rod Bingaman's East of Jesus Wednesday on top of Seven Mountains.
Members of the Rod Bingaman's film crew and actors enjoy a light moment during filming of East of Jesus inside a Fullington bus on top of Seven Mountains Wednesday.
Location: State College, Pennsylvania, United States
I'm a retired Marine Officer teaching at Penn State University. I teach photojournalism and public relations and shoot for various publications and wire services. I enjoy underwater photography, tennis, and hope to dunk a basketball on a 10-foot rim before I die.